Discover The Skills, Systems And Strategies You Need To Have In Place For A Truly Phenomenal Business At This Intensive Two-Day Event In Dallas, Texas

Dear Coach,

You want to be a successful coach and make a difference in other people’s lives, but you aren’t sure you have everything you need, which leaves you wondering what a truly successful life-changing coaching system looks like. You deserve to have the right program, so you can help others change their lives.

Few things have a greater impact than a Coach who breathes HOPE, LIFE, and TRUTH
into someone, helping them to discover their purpose and break down the barriers that are holding them back.

If you want to change lives by being an effective Coach, then the Ziglar Coach Summit is for you.

In this 2-day intensive and interactive workshop, you will learn the essential keys to building a successful and profitable coaching practice.

Ziglar has a proven process that has been transforming lives around the world for over 50 years.


Be the Right Kind of Person

Choose the Right Process

Create the Right Program

Build the Right Practice

Have the Right Performance

Just Follow These 3 Steps

Step 1

Get Yourself


Step 2

Get Your Travel Plans Made

Step 3

Get Ready to Become a Successful Coach


Session 1:

The Right Person - Tom Ziglar

The pace of disruption is only increasing and the need for life-changing coaches has never been greater. Millions and millions of people have been rocked by the pandemic, the great resignation, inflation... The list goes on and on...people are struggling to discover their Why and they need your help.

In this session you will learn:

  • The Disruption, Challenge, and Change that is creating a whole new industry - the Transformation Industry

  • Why every coach must commit to their own Personal Development and the 10 Virtues every Coach Leader must possess

  • The essential elements to a life-changing coaching program

Using the Ziglar Coaching Process David and Tom will invite at least 2 members of the audience to participate in the coaching process in front of the audience.

They will help them break through a challenge they are facing and then debrief the coaching session around the pillars of belief, mindset, self-image, and process.

Session 2: The Right Process- David Wright & Tom Ziglar

Do you need a breakthrough? Are you stuck? Do you have a big dream you want to accomplish? These are questions coaches deal with every day.

Session 3: The Right Program - David Wright

Learning, growing, and transforming require the right process and the right mindset. Breakthroughs don’t happen by luck or by chance. They happen because a coach takes their coachee through a Process of discovery and action that impacts both the mindset and behavior which together get life-changing results.

David Wright is the Personal Coaching Director at Ziglar and has over 25 years experience in successfully coaching others to success.

In this session you will learn:

  • The Ziglar Coaching Process

  • Why Everything Hinges on Mindset

  • How to Move Your Client through the Transformation Process

Session 4: The Right Support - Angie Crellin

When somebody says they want to know more about how you can help them as a coach, how do you invite them to become a paying client?

In this session, Angie Crellin, who has had over 4000 enrollment conversations, will teach you the
8-Step Process that naturally uncovers your prospect’s needs and discovers if it is a good fit to work together.

You’ll learn a process that allows you to serve a future client well and makes it easy for them
to say yes to working with you.

Session 5: How To Build A Million Dollar Coaching Practice - Howard Partridge

How many clients do you want? How many do you need to build a successful practice? Howard Partridge is Ziglar’s Exclusive Small Business Coach and has clients in over 100 different industries in 20 different countries.

He will show you a simple formula to attract the number of clients you need to build a phenomenally successful practice.

Session 6: The Courage To Coach - Dr. Nathaniel Hearne

Coaching requires courage to address difficult issues and provide honest feedback to help individuals grow and improve.

The courage to coach also involves taking risks and challenging individuals to step out of their comfort zones to reach their full potential. As a coach, it takes courage to be vulnerable and open to feedback from those you are coaching to learn and develop your skills continuously.

The ability to coach effectively requires courage to stand up for what is right and advocate for the individuals you are coaching, even when faced with opposition.

Ultimately, the courage to coach means having the strength and confidence to believe in the potential of others and empower them to achieve their goals.

Dr. Nathaniel Hearne is an extraordinary individual who epitomizes the essence of overcoming adversity and achieving greatness. As an educator, motivator, mentor, executive, pastor, and trainer, he has led countless individuals to exceed their expectations and surpass even their wildest dreams.

Whether you’re thinking about starting a consulting business or have been coaching for a while, Coach Builder will give you the 8-step plan every self-employed coach needs to be successful.

Have you experienced a moment when you realized your career wasn’t as secure or fulfilling as you thought it was going to be?

Maybe you’ve thought about using your skills to start your own consulting business – but you haven’t had the confidence to go for it.

In Coach Builder you’ll learn how to…

Session 7: Donald Miller

Donald Miller built his company from zero to almost $17M per year. His book Building a Story Brand was a runaway best-seller. Now, Donald Miller has a new book coming out called
Coach Builder. Donald Miller will teach you the
secrets that top coaches have used to take their coaching business to the next level!

  • Create a menu of services to sell to clients

  • Create a compelling website that attracts your ideal clients

  • Create a marketing funnel and product ladder

  • Generate and manage a list of potential clients

  • Write and automate sales emails that land clients while you sleep

  • Set realistic business goals and accomplish them

Session 8: Status Quo VS Status Grow? - Carrie Wilkerson

We often get sucked into comparison or cultural standards when we're building the life or business of our dreams. Learning what your 'mission critical' is, will give you a clarity that finally unlocks your progress and amazing momentum. The permission and power to define what matters to YOU is what ideally will create your ultimate success.

Author, Speaker & Coach for 20+ years - Carrie Wilkerson discovered Ziglar in the 7th grade and her life has never been the same.

Featured on CNN and Fox Business News, in Success & Entrepreneur magazines and named by Forbes as a top small business influencer, Carrie has consulted with Google and other 'business thought leaders' on growth strategies, productivity and current trends.

In this session you will learn:

  • How to eliminate overwhelm, discouragement and distraction like the US Coast Guard does

  • How to stop chasing the wrong goals and standards and create what matters for you

  • The one thing that is standing between you and what you say you want most (and how to fix it)

Register Below For

The 2024 Ziglar Coach Summit


Register now and get access to the

Early bird Special through May 17th at $997 (Once expired, it's 1497)

Family and Friend Early Bird Guest Rate is only: $498.50!When you register for $997 you can bring a guest for only: $498.50

(That's $1000.00 OFF)

Here's exactly what you get when you register

  • $20,000.00 Worth of Coaching

  • 2 Entire Days of Workshops and Presentations from Top Industry Leaders

  • Phenomenal Community Experience

  • Lunch and Dinner Provided Day 1 (May 30th), and ONLY Lunch provided Day 2 (May 31st)

Preferred HOTEL Location

The Westin Dallas Stonebriar Golf Resort & Spa

Group Rate EXPIRES:

May 17th, 2024, 5 PM CST

Phone: (972) 668-8000


1549 Legacy Drive Frisco,
TX 75034, US

About Zig Ziglar

The late Zig Ziglar was a motivational speaker, teacher and trainer who traveled the world over delivering his messages of humor, hope, and encouragement. As a world renowned author and speaker, Zig had an appeal that transcended barriers of age, culture and occupation.

From 1970 until 2010, he traveled over five million miles across the world delivering powerful life improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change.

Recognized by his peers as the quintessential motivational genius of our times, Zig Ziglar's unique delivery style and powerful messages earned him many honors, and today he is still considered one of the most versatile authorities on the science of human potential.

Mr. Ziglar wrote over thirty celebrated books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family and success

, including Born to Win, See You at the Top, Developing the Qualities of Success, Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Top Performance, Courtship After Marriage, Over The Top, and Secrets of Closing the Sale

. Nine titles have been on the best seller lists; his books and audios have been translated into over thirty-eight languages and dialects. Zig Ziglar was a committed family man, dedicated patriot, and an active church member.

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